6 Reasons To Promote From Within Your Company

As a leader, you are bound to have job openings within your team. In my personal experience, I have always strived to promote from within my company. I’ve found that doing so helps me build better relationships with my team, be it administrative or otherwise. Doing so also allows me to see the people I care about most—my co-workers—grow and expand.

Here are six reasons why promoting from within can breathe new life into your workplace culture and contribute to continued success in any and all of your ventures.

Your employees have a preexisting understanding of company culture.

One of the most convenient aspects of promoting from within is also one of the most obvious: A team member with a preexisting understanding of your company culture, mission statement and practices can undergo hyper-focused training once promoted and transition into their new role relatively smoothly.

By entering their new role with an understanding of your overarching expectations and goals for the company, they will be able to tackle their new responsibilities without having to learn the day-to-day standards of your operation. Ideally, this team member will already share your goals, concerns and drive for innovation on day one, and they’ll direct their focus primarily toward working within their new role in the company.

When looking at members of my own team, I always make sure they understand the importance of community and the customers we serve every day. If I see their heart lies with the interest of the human in front of them, I know they would likely fit within my administrative teams. Oftentimes, I know this before they do. Watching them grow is the most rewarding aspect of my day-to-day work.

The promoted employee is already familiar with the team they’re joining.

Oftentimes, when you promote from within, that worker is coming with preexisting relationships with many, if not all, of the other members of their new team. More often than not, my team is well aware of the potential of the new hire and is actively excited to welcome them.

I’ve found that promoting from within also alleviates some of the major anxieties that naturally come with starting a new job. Because of their understanding of company culture and ease around the team, new hires are put in a position to succeed right from the start.

The employee’s former colleagues may be more comfortable approaching leadership.

Beyond the promoted employee being at ease, the rest of your team—their former colleagues—will also likely feel comfortable with your new administrative member. Oftentimes, especially in a growing company, some employees might feel uncomfortable approaching upper management.

While you can let any and all members of your team know you have an open-door policy, understand that sometimes, nervousness can be a deterrent. A preexisting relationship with the person you’ve just added to your team can often result in new ideas and could give the new co-worker a chance to establish themselves as a lifeline to the people they might now oversee.

You could inspire other colleagues to strive for growth.

By promoting others from within your company, you might even see increased productivity and drive from those colleagues who want to grow within the company as well. Seeing their co-workers move up can serve as the ultimate motivation for a team member with high aspirations within your company.

Inspiration is tricky, especially within the workplace. Seeing others promoted from within can instill confidence in members of your team if they understand you, as a leader, will always recognize strong work. In my experience, this inspiration can result in improved focus, motivation and, most importantly, customer satisfaction.

Those you promote can offer a new perspective.

Promoting from within is incredibly important because it allows the administrative team to hear things from the perspective of a co-worker who has previously worked in another part of the company. For example, in my line of work, coffee, I find that promoting former baristas is the perfect way to gain insight into what my team members need in terms of support as our company continues to grow.

An added bonus is that the new member of your administrative team can often serve as the voice of their former colleagues. This gives you the opportunity to learn new ways you can support the humans who have helped turn your dream into a reality.

You hired them for a reason.

This might seem simple, but there’s a reason you hired this person in the past. As a leader, make it a point to hire people you believe in, regardless of their goals.

For example, some of the members of my team have ambitions beyond coffee, while others want to grow within my company. Either way, there’s a certain spark I look for in every new hire before they are added to the team. This way, seeing them grow and fit within a new position in my company never serves as a surprise; rather, it’s the logical next step in the continued growth of my company and the humans who help make it a reality.

My Summary

Pumping new life into your workplace is absolutely crucial for any leader. But “new life” does not have to mean hiring from outside of your preexisting team. In fact, hiring from within has always been an important reminder that my team, regardless of their given “rank” in the company, all contain a personal perspective that can serve the growth and expansion of the business. On a personal level, seeing the humans whose spark I noticed live up to their potential is the ultimate form of personal motivation to keep grinding, improving and making things happen.

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