¡Divertirse y desintoxicar la mente no es una pérdida de tiempo!

As an entrepreneur sometimes you might believe that taking care of your business is your main priority so much that you forget about yourself. You can even feel GUILTY for taking a simple day off or having fun with friends and family, you even see it as being irresponsible or a waste of time, but this is not the case! You are a HUMAN before becoming a business owner, you also need time to relax and have fun. In this BrandON blog, we’ll talk about why having  fun and detoxing your mind is not a waste of  time but an important part for success and a healthy life!

Why is Mental Detoxification Important? 

As a business owner, you can become so invested in your business that you forget to invest in yourself! What happens when we feel overwhelmed and stressed? Our productivity and creativity decrease and this doesn't not only hurt your business but your mental health, you can become so exhausted you won't find pleasure in working on what you love, and keeping focused becomes harder! The solution for this is, mental DETOXIFICATION! Yes, this means disconnecting from work for a little bit! 

Remember the hobbies you love and go out there and have fun! Doing what you love apart from your business will help you increase your happiness and pleasure with the simplest thing, not only that but as you relax and focus on something else new ideas start coming up to your mind, like magic! But in reality, it's not magic, it's just you relaxing and doing something different, sometimes when you focus too much on your problem and you keep trying to find the solution, you can block yourself from new ideas! 

In this BrandON blog, we’ll talk about why having  fun and detoxing your mind is not a waste of  time but an important part for success and a healthy life!

Detoxing Your Mind Is Not A Waste Of Time!

Normalize Having Fun & Detoxing Your Mind! 

Having fun is an essential part for every human! You are doing an amazing job as a leader, pushing your team for greatness, so now have time for yourself! Include having fun in your routine. Have regular breaks, take some time off to do the hobbies YOU love that maybe you stopped doing because of work, play your favorite sport, watch movies, or read. Whatever makes you feel more relaxed and happy. Doing this as a business owner might be hard because everybody needs you but it's important to empower and train your team for occasions that you are not available, so your team can move forward without you and set your break as a priority! Taking care of yourself is not only an option but a necessity! To keep growing you need to be healthy, strong emotionally and physically, so setting yourself as a priority to take a break is one of the best ways to show self love!

En resumen...

Taking care of yourself, detoxifying your mind, and having fun is not a waste of your time! It’s an investment in your mental health, creativity, connections, and physical health. It's unhealthy to believe that working 24/7 is the way to success. It's important to have balance in your life, where you can have a successful business while you enjoy the simple things in life. Prioritizing yourself is an investment in your creativity and productivity! Having fun and detoxifying your mind  is important in your successful entrepreneurial journey and it should be one of your priorities. Remember, work to live, don't live to work, have a GREAT balance in life!

¡Sigue empujando hacia la grandeza mientras disfrutas de la VIDA!

Brandon es un empresario comprometido con la excelencia. Su increíble viaje y su pasión por marcar la diferencia en el mundo le han llevado a convertirse en un coach que empuja a otros emprendedores y visionarios hacia el éxito. Brandon es uno de los 100 mejores empresarios. Los blogs de Brandon están hechos con el propósito de ayudar a otros empresarios que necesitan inspiración, e ideas para aquellos que pueden estar perdidos en su viaje hacia el éxito y necesitan orientación. El lema de Brandon es "para los seres humanos, por un ser humano", con el compromiso de influir positivamente en la vida de las personas y ayudar a los demás.

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