Brandon Peña Brandon Peña

Steaming Ahead in Small Business: Navigating Growth Without Losing Culture

For small businesses, growth is much more than just a goal; it's a thrilling ride that tests every fiber of the company's being. The pressure to expand can often lead businesses to compromise on their core values and culture, the very elements that might have fueled their initial success. However, growth does not have to come at the expense of your business's unique identity and ethos.

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Brandon Peña Brandon Peña

Brewing Success: Top 5 Leadership Strategies to Scale Your Coffee Business

Success in the coffee industry often brews down to more than just great beans and equipment; it's also about effective leadership. If you're a coffee entrepreneur, small business owner, or an aspiring café operator, mastering leadership strategies is essential for scaling your coffee business. Here are five key strategies that have helped me opening 25 - 787 coffee shops - hope they help you lead your coffee shop to new heights.

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