The Importance Of Quantifying Goals As A Leader
When outlining our goals as leaders, be it on a personal or company-wide level, it’s important to quantify our intentions.
What does this mean? As entrepreneurs, we need to simultaneously inspire and moderate our team. By quantifying our goals with a determined value, we are able to set our team on a path of ambition and practicality.
To put this simply, every goal needs to have a set value, a distinct figure to work toward. If we, as leaders, are quantifying our goals, we will see the other members of our team begin to do the same.fe into your workplace culture and contribute to continued success in any and all of your ventures.
When laying out goals as a company, there are certain phrases we should try to remove from our vocabulary.
• “I’m hoping to ...”
• “I’d like to see ...”
• “... as much as we can”
These buzz phrases are standard office jargon that often lead to complacency within a company, even in times of expansion. As leaders, we’ve likely said and heard phrases like these numerous times throughout our careers. But what is missing when we say these phrases? Value!
Let’s say, for example, a member of your team states that they’d “like to see more sales” for a particular service your company provides. In theory, this is a smart goal. As a company, you should always strive to improve.
But how do you put a number figure to this goal? How many more sales should your company be netting? At what rate should your sales be improving at, and when will you be able to see the results come to fruition? How are you finding a way to put a specific figure to the broad goals you have set out for yourselves?
Encourage your team members to start thinking this way. By exemplifying yourself as detail-oriented to your team, their thinking will begin to fall in line with what you, as the leader, need from them.
Another example: Someone from your team says that they’re “hoping to” reduce company waste “as much as we can.” Again, this is a fantastic goal to strive for. But as leaders, we want to encourage our people to think as concisely as possible, especially when it comes to new goals for the organization.
Broad goals lead to broad results and complacency. If your team decided to attempt to cut waste by say, 20% instead of cutting waste “as much as we can,” give them set goals and aim not to settle for subpar results. Encourage your team to think one step ahead.
If we, as leaders, make our teams put a numerical value to their goals, the odds that their work will be done more efficiently will skyrocket.
Quantifying our goals also keeps our business on the grounds of realism. When attempting to grow on a large scale, entrepreneurs can get carried away with their own ambition. By assigning value—a numerical figure to strive for—to any given ambition you have for your business, you are more likely to achieve your goals. This gives both you and your team members a specific figure to strive for instead of the well-meaning yet vague notion of “growth.”
As leaders, we need to simultaneously serve the roles of optimist and pragmatist. We must exist as the inspirational human in the room as well as the most practical, which can be a tightrope to walk.
When we quantify our goals and add value to our aspirations, we are able to play both of these roles at once. By setting ourselves and team members on a path of optimism and structure, we are able to track our progress in our goals as well as operate in an environment where all co-workers are willing to tweak strategies in the interest of achieving the best possible outcome.
If you are unable to add a quantified value to your goals as leader, that should serve as a cue for you to revisit this goal. Why are you not able to assign a specific number figure to this ambition? Is there a way a quantifier can be applied? If not, you may want to reconsider how useful this goal will be to your company.
If, in the beginning stages, you are not able to predict the usefulness of your goal, odds are that it may be counterintuitive for you or your team to work on this goal without revisiting your strategy first.
At the end of the day, every company is searching and striving for one thing: results. If we are not adding value to our goals, we are not thinking in a frame of mind that promotes optimization and results.
“I’m hoping to” is all well and good, but what are we doing to reach that goal? Once we, as leaders, are able to ask ourselves and our teams that question, we will be on the road to success.
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