My Mom Was Diagnosed with Cancer

It all started when my mom touched a lump in her breast. Like many of us, she decided to get it checked out, thinking it would be nothing serious. But things didn’t look good. I was out of the country when the doctor said the words that shattered our world: "This doesn’t look great." My sister and the doctors assured me that I didn’t need to rush back just yet, that they had everything under control. But I couldn’t wait. I came back immediately.

Let’s Connect!

Cancer—the word I hated the most—became the topic of conversation with my loved ones. And true enough, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. Our family cried. I cried. Cancer doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t care about age, race, or size. It can happen to anyone, at any time, to the people you love most.

Before I knew it, my mom was in Houston, starting chemotherapy. And let me tell you, chemo sucks. It hurts—not just physically, but emotionally too. My mom lost her hair, she lost weight, and she even started to doubt her faith. Chemotherapy is expensive, and it doesn’t just take a toll on the patient—it hurts the entire family. It hurt me. Watching my mom, the strongest woman I know, suffer through this was devastating. I had nightmares. But I stood by her side, through every single chemo treatment. I couldn’t fix it, but I could be there. I bought her wigs, supplements, IV drips—whatever she needed to help her through it.

My mom was diagnosed with cancer by brandon ivan pena

Today, as I write this, I am proud to say that my mom is cancer-free. She is in her final week of radiation and about to start a 14-session chemo treatment to reduce the chances of the cancer returning. But we’ve made it through the worst. FUCK CANCER. It messed with the wrong woman.

My mom is my hero. When I was a kid, she was the only one who could protect me from the monsters in the night. And now, she’s fighting real monsters with every ounce of her strength. She’s a warrior, and everything I am today is because of her. The "Human by Human" mantra we live by at 787 Coffee? That’s all her. She taught me the importance of caring for others, of supporting those in need, and of showing up for the people we love.

That’s why I’m fighting cancer too. Because of her. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and at 787 Coffee, we’re collecting funds to help those going through chemo by providing them with natural supplements and vitamins to make this chapter of their lives a little easier. We’re also offering beautiful wigs to anyone who has lost their hair—just email us at, and we’ll make it happen.

Help us give hope. Help us make this journey easier for someone in need TODAY.

Summary: My Mom's Battle with Breast Cancer

In this blog, I share the deeply personal story of my mom’s fight against breast cancer—her strength, resilience, and the impact it’s had on me and our family. Cancer doesn’t discriminate, and watching someone you love go through chemotherapy is heartbreaking. But my mom is a warrior, and today, she is cancer-free. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and at 787 Coffee, we’re raising funds to support those undergoing chemo by providing them with natural supplements and wigs.

Join us in this fight—your donations can make a real difference for someone in need. And don’t stop here! Explore more blogs on for inspiration and stories about resilience, growth, and making an impact. Let’s fight cancer together and keep pushing for greatness!

As an entrepreneur, having the right team by your side is everything—because life has a way of throwing unexpected challenges at you. When my mother was diagnosed with cancer, I had to step away from the business to be with her. But during that time, my team at 787 Coffee didn’t just hold things together; they broke sales records. Each person took their role seriously, stepping up to ensure the company remained consistent, strong, and growing. That’s the true definition of pushing for greatness—building a team that’s just as committed to the vision as you are, even when life pulls you in a different direction. Success isn’t just about the numbers, it’s about the humans who stand behind you and keep the momentum going. To my co-workers - THANK YOU!

You've got this!


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