Building a Strong Team: Leadership Strategies for Small Business Owners
Every successful business is composed of amazing humans and this goes for YOU as well! If you are in the process of opening your small business, now is the perfect time to consider what kind of people and what type of leadership you want to create to build a strong team. In this Brandon blog, we'll talk about leadership strategies you should include in your small business to push for success!
1. Lead with Humbleness
As you start your business, you might believe that you are the only one who can lead and knows everything in the business. But the reality is that, YOU NEED a team for a reason! Your team is there to help you succeed and together create something amazing. If you have the mindset that no one else but you can do it, or that you are better than any other human in your team, then you will have a hard time collaborating with anyone! Be confident in your vision and decisions but remain humble. Understand your team's feedback and LEARN from your team, we learn something new everyday! This will help you create an environment full of trust and respect, where your team feels empowered to contribute
2. Make Your team feel they belong
Nothing is better than starting your day feeling happy and motivated about going to work! Every human wants to experience this. Be the kind of leader you wish you had when working for other leaders. Motivate your team with weekly smart goals to sell a certain product or service, celebrate each milestone and reward them. Not only will your team be successful, but they will also be motivated to push for greatness. This is how your team will grow and take the business to success, because they feel happy and valued for everything they do in your business!
3. Emotional Intelligence
As a leader, you need to learn how to communicate with your team effectively, manage conflict, and create a positive work environment! Emotional intelligence lets you communicate with your team in a healthy way without hurting them. It's about a human to human approach. You are not working with machines, so what you say and how you say it can impact your team. When you are starting your small business, you need to understand that communication is key in order to run the business smoothly and create a strong team that is pushing for success TOGETHER!
4. Delegate
Trusting your team is very important for the growth of your business. It's IMPORTANT to take the time to understand each team member's skills so you can delegate different tasks and trust that they will do an amazing job. Each team member has different abilities that contribute to the team, so it's important to avoid micromanaging and instead offer support and guidance when necessary! Having a team that does amazing even when you are gone, is AMAZING, it shows how great of a leader YOU ARE!
5. Have constant meetings
Communication Is the key to having a successful team so have constant meetings weekly or at least monthly so you can know the progress of each human in your team. Honest communication with themOn the areas they needProgressSet them new goals andCelebratedEvery progress they made so they feel valued and they know that you care about what they're doing. Meetings with the whole team are also important as they provide a perfect opportunity for team members to share their opinions and new ideas. This will help you find solutions to different problems, better understand your team, and create a stronger team!
To Summarize:
Building a strong team is more than just hiring the right humans, it’s about creating an environment where everyone feels valued, trusted, and inspired! As a small business owner, you have the opportunity of creating an amazing team that is inspired in a pushing for greatness and for the same mission! The right leadership strategies will help you have success leading new humans not only to support your business but PUSHES FOR MORE! Remember, be the leader you always dreamed you would've had when you started your entrepreneur journey!
Keep inspiring those around you, teach them, motivate them and push for greatness!
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As a dedicated coffeepreneur, business coach and speaker, I'm here to support you in unlocking your full potential and achieving your goals. Let’s make every week a step closer to your success.
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