The Role of Emotional Intelligence In Small Business Leadership

Leadership is a very important role that consists of supporting the humans around you, inspiring them, and impacting their lives for the better. But it's more than that! It's about leading as a human to a human! This consists of using emotional intelligence to help you understand, motivate, and have empathy for the humans in your team. In this Brandon blog, we'll talk about the most important skill any great leader needs to succeed, emotional intelligence, and why it's so important for your success!

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is a very popular word but what does it consist of? Emotional intelligence is based on the power to understand your feelings and being able to communicate them with assertiveness, without being aggressive or attacking others. It also involves empathy! Understanding the feelings of others without judgment. Most importantly, emotional intelligence allows you to communicate effectively and resolve conflicts without damaging your relationships with other humans!

How Can Emotional Intelligence Help You Lead?

  1. Strong relationship with your team

Having emotional intelligence as a leader will help you have a better understanding of your team's emotions and how you can resolve them in a professional manner. As a leader, the way your team feels is important because it can affect the way they perform. For example, you might have a human who is perfect in connecting with customers but on that specific day, he is not being social. Therefore, understanding the main problem can help you understand your team members' concerns and respond properly. This doesn't mean that you have to step into their personal lives but you can help them on a simpler level! This not only builds a stronger connection but also creates a positive work environment where the humans in your team feel valued and supported. This impacts them, makes them feel belonged and increases their productivity.

2. Great decision making 

As a leader you will need to make different types of decisions from easy ones such as setting up a schedule to letting go of a human in your team and in order to do this effectively you must have emotional intelligence!  Emotional intelligence can help you manage stress when making hard decisions and help you think clearly without letting fear or frustration get in the way of these important decisions. For example, if your business is going through a rough patch financially, instead of causing panic, you can talk to your team, come up with strategies, and keep calm and avoid spreading panic! 

In this Brandon blog, we'll talk about the most important skill any great leader needs to succeed, emotional intelligence, and why it's so important for your success!

Emotional Intelligence In Small Business

3. Resilience

Changes happen in every business, so being resilient will help your business stay strong. Having emotional intelligence makes it easier for you to tackle changes in a smooth way. As a leader, you must have the confidence that everything will be under control so your team feels confident too, allowing you to both adapt to the change and strive for greatness. Emotionally intelligent leaders can recognize and manage the emotional impact of change on their employees. Whether it's a shift in business strategy or the need to adopt new processes, a leader who communicates with empathy can make any change into a smoother transition!

4. Positive work environment 

The best part of having emotional intelligence is that the humans in your team feel safe, creating an amazing work environment. It might not be your responsibility to make every single human in your team happy or enjoy every aspect of their responsibilities, but you can lead to making it a safe place for communication, ideas, and innovation. As a leader, it's important to consider that your team’s work is crucial for success! Having a positive work environment can lead to better performance!

To Summarize:

Emotional intelligence is a  very important leadership skill! Humans in your team need to feel safe and confident that you will lead with the best mindset, by being  self aware and  empathetic! Having emotional intelligence will help you create an amazing team , improve in your decision making, have strong  relationships, and build resilient businesses that can outcome any  challenge. Emotional intelligence will help you with the main purpose of being a leader, which is making amazing connections, inspiring other humans and making decisions that will have a great impact on your team!

Keep Making an impact, keep inspiring the humans around you and keep pushing for greatness!

As a dedicated coffeepreneur, business coach and speaker, I'm here to support you in unlocking your full potential and achieving your goals. Let’s make every week a step closer to your success.

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