Leadership Lessons from Successful Entrepreneurs: What You Can Learn!

Every business needs strong leadership, regardless of its size. Without strong leadership, your business can become directionless and purposeless! Being a leader comes with learning from different experiences along the way. Every successful business leader has learned a lot from their challenges and mistakes throughout their career but these have been used as opportunities! In this BrandON blog, we'll talk about leadership lessons every successful entrepreneur has learned and how those lessons have helped them bring their business to success! 

Have Empathy 

Being a leader doesn't mean that you're above any other human in your team; it means that you have the power to inspire, push, and create amazing things together as a team. This involves being empathetic with your team, seeing their perspective, understanding them, and trying to feel what's going on. An amazing example of this would be Satya Nadella, who, with his empathy, led Microsoft teams to succeed with amazing collaborations. Being empathetic doesn't mean affecting your team's responsibilities or goals. It's a way of guiding with a passion to improve your team's productivity and their commitment to a place where they feel they belong

Stay Adaptable 

The world is constantly changing, and you must be able to adapt quickly to the new changes. You need to understand the industry trends and listen to your customers' feedback in order to change along with the world without losing your business values. Many successful entrepreneurs have adapted quickly to the changes in the world in order to stay successful and relevant. For example, Reed Hastings, the founder of Netflix, who went  from DVD rentals to streaming movies on the platform. We also have Steve Jobs, who with his creativity, introduced iPods, MacBooks, and iPhones, making innovative moves that stayed trendy and relevant with the changes of the world. Its using challenges, to get inspired, innovate and make shit happen! 

In this BrandON blog, we'll talk about leadership lessons every successful entrepreneur has learned and how those lessons have helped them bring their business to success! 

Leadership Lessons from Successful Entrepreneurs

Human by human approach

There's nothing better than having an impact in your community and seeing how you are making a small change in this world! Each business was created to bring value to the community. It's not just about making sales, but about connecting with each human and creating a sense of belonging which with time creates loyalty! A great example of this is Brandon Pena, who included this amazing approach in his business, 787 Coffee to make a change and impact those humans that come into every coffee shop, customers, and every human in their team! Building authentic connections and creating meaningful experiences. His leadership style revolves around empowering his team and ensuring 787 Coffee has a positive impact on its customers and community!

Be an active listener

As a leader to be successful you must learn how to listen to the humans around YOU! It's more than just hearing words but processing and understanding what other humans are saying, the ideas they have for different challenges, and understanding their feedback! Leaders such as  Steve Jobs were successful because they used active listening to innovate and include the feedback his team had into different products, which led to the innovation of amazing things! He believed in taking risk, to apply every idea into action and if it failed it was an opportunity to learn!  Every human loves to feel that they are being taken into consideration and that their ideas are being listened to, not just heard. Teamwork includes active listening, which not only creates a strong team but also makes humans  feel like they belong! This inspires them to push for greatness as a team!

Support creativity and innovation

Everything great begins with the creativity of every human. As a leader, it's important to encourage everyone in your team to use their creativity without being afraid to fail. This will not only help your business but also push the humans in your team to create, and feel that their ideas contribute to your business's success. Remember, creativity comes with innovation, and innovation is important for every business's success. An example of this is Elon Musk, who appreciated taking risks instead of fearing failure. As a team, he would push every human to use their creativity to create something amazing. It may not come out as expected, but it opens the doors to new opportunities to grow! Creativity it's an AMAZING TOOL, use it to grow and inspire! 

To Summarize:

Being a leader comes with a lot of responsibilities and lessons that become tools to help YOU succeed! Every successful leader has been faced with challenges, mistakes, and setbacks but it's not what happens to you as a leader, but how you react to what happens. Every day, you teach the humans in your team new things that will help them succeed and grow to become amazing leaders. Remember, great leaders are those who push others through adversity and inspire them to grow and follow their own dreams! 

Keep pushing for greatness. Keep leading with a purpose, and keep inspiring other humans around YOU!

As a dedicated coffeepreneur, business coach and speaker, I'm here to support you in unlocking your full potential and achieving your goals. Let’s make every week a step closer to your success.

Keep pushing for GREATNESS - push the humans around your for GREATNESS

If you are in need of business coaching Brandon Is here to help YOU!


You've got this!



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