Why Are Google Reviews Important For Your Business
In this modern world as a business owner you have many tools to connect with humans and make your business grow, just like Google reviews! Google has been an amazing tool for EVERY human and now you can use it in your business, isn't that amazing? Google reviews are the reflection of your business, they are the perfect way to stay relevant, to grow your business and push for SUCCESS! But sometimes you can forget to use it or keep up the consistency. In this BrandON blog we’ll explain why google reviews are so important in your business!
Builds trust
Think of Google reviews as if YOU were the customer! When you're booking a hotel, making a dinner reservation, or planning an activity, you look for reviews and other human's experiences to make sure that it matches your expectations and you feel more confident about your decision. Your customers will do the same for your business, they want to see reviews to make sure that you for one exist and that you meet their expectations for their experience. Reviews are a reflection of your business, they are what communicate how well your business is!
Be humans NUMBER ONE option
Google reviews help you stay relevant! When many humans go to your business and share their experience, Google sees YOU as a popular option and places your business on the top of the list of similar businesses to yours! This is also linked to search engine optimization that helps your business be visible to other humans. When humans review your product or service they use keywords that help other humans find you easier! For example, if you are a realtor that has helped many humans sell homes, when a human reviews your business they’ll use the words “home” “realtor” “great help” which is what other humans looking for a home are looking for!
Help humans find your business
As a business owner, you understand the struggle of first opening a business. humans may not know where to find you, or they might not even know you EXIST! The best way to be noticed by humans is to be present on Google and to have good reviews for your business. This is because Google recognizes constant reviews and makes your business appear as one of the top recommendations. But wait! Not only does this help your business get noticed more and more, but it also lets humans know they can TRUST your business because of the good reviews! Now more than ever humans feel the need of connecting and trusting so be that amazing business that makes them feel comfortable!
Connect with humans
Connecting with your customers is the most important thing to do, not only on Google but overall. When a human leaves a Google review in regards to your business they do it because they want to share their experience with other humans. This can be a good or a bad review but it's an opportunity for you to connect with them, to respond to any of their questions or concerns so they feel they are being taken into consideration and that their opinion are important
You have important Feedback
As a business owner, the opinion of your customer is very important! Their feedback can help you a lot, on what they love or what they don't, you can understand your business through their eyes and change what is not working. At the end of the day, your customers are the humans that will help your business grow, so if you see a constant dislike of a product or service you understand that a change needs to be made! Google reviews are the perfect way to connect and learn from your humans and understand them.
To summarize...
For every entrepreneur, Google reviews are a powerful tool for their business. Google reviews can connect you with your customers, help you understand their perspective, and most importantly build TUST. Google is an amazing tool, and its reviews are important for every business. If you learn how to use them correctly and make it consistent to ask for reviews, you'll see how your business grows, stays relevant, and becomes successful! Starting a business in today's day, may not be easy, but the good part is entrepreneurs more than ever have more tools that can help them grow and have a successful business!
DInt give up now! Your business will grow, step by step, keep consistency and keep pushing for GREATNESS!
You've got this!